Compare ACS Individuals to Realm Profiles.
Your members have changed throughout the years, so why would your member profiles stay the same? Realm profiles allow you to keep your member information in a more organized, clean manner while looking up-to-date.
Member Information won't be lost.
We understand that your members are the life of your church, so we securely map their information from ACS to Realm so you don’t miss a beat.
Everything from their name and contact information to their personal information such as date of birth and the date they joined your church will be transitioned to Realm. You can even work with your Implementation Specialist to be sure your custom fields show in Realm as you wish.
For a detailed Mapping Guide on Profiles, check with your Implementation Specialist.

Families are front and center.
In ACS, your family members were listed on a separate tab from your personal information. But in Realm, we know how important connections are, so we put your family members front and center on your profile.
And don’t worry, we even keep “Other Relationships” in the Notes section of a person’s profile so you can view and even search on them.
Group history is always available.
Your group members and volunteers have served faithfully in your church, so we make sure their past history from ACS is available on their profiles in Realm.
Current and past history is shown on a Realm profile, as well as the date someone joined a specific group and their attendance percentage for that group’s meetings. Any specific roles (elements) are also shown in Realm as attributes for each group on their profile.

Connections become more intentional.
In ACS, Connections were used to track visitations and notes from visits. And while we keep all of your Connections history in Realm so you can view and search on it in the future, we recognize that making connections is more than simply taking notes.
With Realm, we’ve expanded on Connections to create Pathways, allowing you to make step-by-step follow-up processes ensuring your members and guests are being truly connected to your church. These pathways may be for new visitors, new members, volunteer training, or discipleship journeys. But no worries, you can still make notes on a pathway and view those notes and any pathway history on profiles.
Notes you can search on.
A few elements of ACS show as Notes in Realm, which can be viewed on a person’s profile. These include Comments and Safeguard Tasks. If the comment is a Family Comment in ACS, it will be added to each family member’s profile in Realm. Tags are used to organize the notes so you can search on them at any time.